Friday, October 1, 2010

"Oh yeah...I have a blog I should be writing."

Since I have only done one post on this blog so far, I feel that I should write something. Unfortunately, I don't really know what to write. I suppose it is because I feel that there is some sort of expectation I am supposed to meet in my posts. Do I need to write about something deeply thought provoking? Or tell amazing personal stories? Or try to convey complicated thought processes I have? What I do know is that I feel the need to write something impressive, witty, and intelligent. This isn't a personal journal and several people people could be reading it. Or are they? Maybe no one really cares or has the time to read ramblings that I have cranked out in ten minutes simply to meet a requirement for a class.
What I will try to do is fulfill the the implications of the name of this blog: Annotations on life. I will just write whatever insights I have while simply doing what I do every day. And hopefully it will be sufficient to to get me a good grade.

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